Thursday, May 26, 2011

OK...So I've Been Bad About Blogging

I've been a big, bad, blogger.  Despite good intentions, I haven't blogged at all since New Year's day.  I've got all kinds of excuses....studying for a bar exam, taking a bar exam 27 years after I took my first bar exam, starting a new non-profit know, doing the stuff that life is made of....I'm sorry.  Life intrudes.  I'll try to do better. 

I started this blog to join in the 'blog-o-sphere conversation."  I had started to follow a number of blogs, primarily military-blogs, and found myself wanting to make longer comments on the topics covered in the blogs.  So I started this blog to put my thoughts and ideas "out there."  I guess I needed an outlet of some type.   I still have the thoughts and ideas, I just haven't been good about sharing them here.  I'm not sure why, other than a lack of time; and that's not a great reason.  I don't know, maybe there's a "deeper" reason, maybe not.  I do know that once you are cautious about sharing your thoughts, it's hard to start up again. 

Anyway, life moves on....and I want to use this post to highlight another blog.  Link on over to Chronicles of the Fabulous.  They have some fantastic stuff to gander through!  Love to both those girls and their Fabulousness!!!

1 comment:

K-Dubyah said...

Boy Howdy!!

Glad to see you post again. I've gone through the very same thing you're experiencing...Life!

Sending Hugs and Smiles out to "Flyover Country". ;-)