Thursday, January 21, 2010

Earthquake Weapon? I've heard a number of conspiracy theories in my day; some were entertaining, some were interesting, and some were just plain stupid. It seems Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has a conspiracy theory that is simply crazy. (Now, is that a surprise to anyone?) According to FoxNews, Chavez' state-run media has been reporting that the Haiti earthquake was caused by the US testing an experimental shockwave system that can also cause floods, droughts, and hurricanes. Apparently, the same system is responsible for quakes in California and China. According to Hugo Chavez, we're developing the system to use it as a weapon against Iran, and we caused the Haiti earthquake only to test the system; oh yeah, and to have an excuse to invade and occupy Haiti. WOW! Are we ever be able to control the Earth's movements, as well as the Earth's weather! No wonder we're an "empire."


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It is astonishing to know that earthquake can be caused by testing experimental shockwave system. it can also cause floods, drought and hurricanes.

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